Software Engineer

Tran Le Cong Hau

📷 Information

  • Github:
  • Email:

🏃 Experience

TMA Solutions (8/2022 - 7/2023)

Software Engineer

  • Write APIs, unittests, middlewares to handle, and query following the requirements using Nodejs (Express) and Python (Tornado).
  • Basic understanding and hands-on experience with IAM, EC2, and S3 services in a professional work environment.
  • Ability to learn new technologies and products quickly.

Contractor, Intern (Part-time) (4/2022 - 8/2022)

  • Investigate, reproduce, and troubleshoot the bugs in the web system.
  • Built the back-end system for Book Management project with ExpressJS.

🖥 Skills

  • Languages: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Frameworks: Express, Flask, React
  • Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn
  • Databases: MySQL, MongoDB
  • Tools: Git, Docker, Postman, Jira, Bitbucket, Swagger

🗨️ English

  • TOEIC: 645

📑 Project

Fashion shop Graduation Thesis

  • An e-commerce website uses the server-side with integration collaborative filtering (Machine Learning) in a recommendation system to recommender features(Team size: 1)
  • Build the Python server using FlaskAPI to recommend products of different people.
  • Implement a basic admin page with useState, useEffect in Reactjs.
  • Deployment server using VPC and domain name.
  • Build the server-side rendering with Express (MVC model) and EJS engine to optimize the SEO
  • Write the APIs, middlewares follow the Restful APIs with some features management, orders, recommendation, search, filter,...
  • Write a script to put many images from local to Google Drive using Google Drive API.
  • Clean and normalize data following the requirements.

Book Management

  • Built the back-end system for Book Management project with ExpressJS.
  • Investigate, reproduce, and troubleshoot the bugs in the web system.