Mobile Developer

Nguyen Mau Minh Duc

📷 Information

  • Name: Nguyễn Mậu Minh Đức
  • Github:
  • Email:
  • Location: District9, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

🏃 Experience

Kegmil (10 - 2023- now)

Mobile developer

  • Working in a setup environment with eld service skills, the main language is React Native.

🖥 Skills

  • Programming languages: C++, Python, Haskell, ABAP
  • Programming paradigms: OOP, Functional Programming
  • Web development: HTML, CSS, PHP, React, Nodejs
  • Mobile Developer: React Native
  • Data programming: SQL, MySQL, MongoDB

🗨️ English

  • TOEIC score of 670

📑 Project

Smart Bus Catching Application - BusPlus

  • Collaborating with Team Lemon (4 members) to develop and deploy a smart bus catching application that includes social audio networking and task management features (for use during bus rides to enhance the user experience). In addition to standard functionality, I am responsible for designing some UI screens, calling APIs, and developing the backend.
  • Keywords: React Native, Nodejs, API.

Smart Door Lock System with Facial Recognition - SmartClock

  • Designed a smart door lock system with facial recognition unlocking capability, which includes information management through mobile devices (using React Native).
  • Keywords: React Native, Nodejs, IOT, Mobile, Face Recognition.