Software Engineer

Ngo Van Long

📷 Information

  • Name: NGO VAN LONG
  • Github:
  • Email:

🏃 Experience

Urban Corporation - ReactJS (3/2023 - 6/2023)

Front-end Developer

  • Participate in developing and perfecting the website of the personnel and compensation management system

Freelance - ReactJS (12/2022 - present)

Front-end Developer

  • Code the website according to the pre-designed template from Figma, Pts...
  • Receive support or develop and complete all projects with ReactJS
  • Mentor front-end for student of universities

🖥 Skills

  • Languages: JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS (SASS/SCSS)
  • Frameworks: ReactJS
  • Libraries: SQL (MySQL)
  • Tools: Figma, Pts

🗨️ English

  • IELTS: 8.0 (2023)

📑 Project

Pottery Parn

  • Website: Pottery-parn
  • Github: Pottery-parn
  • Description: Website Pottery store:
    • Home page: Introduction to the store
    • Product page: Product list and information
    • Contact page: Store contact information


  • Website: E-commerce
  • Github: E-commerce
  • Description: Website selling cosmetics of Long-term store, using ReactJS and SCSS to complete